
Close encounters of the third kind … on the METRO (images)


Traveling on the subway is a unique experience that can become supernatural. Inside the dark tunnels in which underground trains travel, you enter another world and sometimes you can have science fiction encounters.

Close encounters of the third kind … on the METRO (images)

Credits: subwaycreatures, IG
Credits: subwaycreatures, IG
Credits: subwaycreatures, IG
Credits: subwaycreatures, IG
Credits: subwaycreatures, IG
Credits: subwaycreatures, IG
Credits: subwaycreatures, IG
Credits: subwaycreatures, IG
Credits: subwaycreatures, IG
Credits: subwaycreatures, IG
Credits: subwaycreatures, IG
Credits: subwaycreatures, IG
Credits: subwaycreatures, IG
Credits: subwaycreatures, IG
Credits: subwaycreatures, IG
Credits: subwaycreatures, IG

Close encounters of the third kind … on the METRO (images)

# A supernatural experience

How many times do you feel alienated in front of strange scenes inside a subway car. From animals arranged in baggage to the most absurd solutions to cope with the problem of masks: to cope with some experiences, one cannot help but desire a pianola to be able to play the famous notes of Spielberg’s film to communicate with the alien that there is. is located in front. Subwaycreatures is an instagram page that reports all the most particular experiences experienced by subway users. Here are some of them.

# Surreal experiences of everyday life

Such as bags with holes for the paws or shopping carts. The pandemic has accentuated the metropolitan extravagance, leading people to invent the most curious strategies to cope with the shortage of masks in the first period, hence the use of bags, cut-out bottles of water, carnival masks and, in more times recently, there have been images of masks with the most bizarre prints. Finally, another frequent experience is meeting doubles of famous people, who, unlike their “originals”, move around by public transport.

# Forms of underground creativity

However, there are even more alienating coincidences: like seeing people sitting next to each other who do not realize they are wearing the same outfits or bizarre dress patterns. Some of the subway goers instead find themselves portrayed in the advertisements stuck on the walls of the vehicle, finding the doubles of themselves. Other absurd experiences concern the presence of mascottes, removals and creative solutions for bulky transport. For example, we find the transport of a sofa, the part of a car and a large red cup that takes the meter along with all the other travelers.


(Original article by Sarah Iori)

Alessandro Vidali

Engineer, passionate about Fintech, Innovation and Creativity. A gap year in Ireland made me appreciate the relationship with the outside World, leading me to give vent to my curiosity and always look for new stimuli.

Published by
Alessandro Vidali