
Here is the APP that PAYS you to WALK


10,000 steps a day: the secret for a healthy life. But not everyone does. There are those who sit in classrooms or offices all day and those who prefer the couch to an outer walk. The pandemic then has not helped at all, in this case. But what if every step you take was equivalent to coin? It’s not an invention, is real life. An app that pays you for walking has arrived

Here is the APP that PAYS you to WALK

# Weward: every few passes a ward

Credits: androiditaly.com Weward

It’s called Weward and it’s an authentic smartphone app that encourages you to walk. A green-mission invention that might dissuade some people from taking the car just to go a few miles, in return for a nice walk and an app that pays you to do it. To access the app, you must download it to your phone and register. Once logged in, Weward will function as a simple step counter, but with a special feature: every few steps you’ll be given 1 ward that over time can be converted into money.

Read also: WALKING through the TREE TOPS

# Win prizes or donate your money for charity

Credits: it.weward.fr

Obviously, you should not imagine to be able to earn a lot of money just by walking: in fact, to earn 1 euro you have to accumulate at least 200 ward. In other words, if you take 10,000 steps a day or walk up to 20,000 steps in 24 hours, you can earn a maximum of 4 euros a month, or 40 in a year. But this app is designed to inspire its community to walk, and every time it launches challenges that make you earn ward in no time.

Prizes are very varied. Usually, the amount you earn you can receive back as discounts and gift cards on your account or give it for charity. But there are also prizes such te possibility to win an iPhone or a trip. To win them you must walk a lot though.

Read also: The INFINITY PATH: the new trekking walk overlooking the Ligurian Sea

# Focus on sustainability and tourism

Credits: milanonordwalk.it

However, Weward is not just an app. It is a startup founded by young and mindful team. It was made up in France in 2019 with the aim of combating many people sedentary life, inviting them to have more active behaviors and a healthier lifestyle. And if its peculiarity is the fact that it gives you prizes just for walk, Weward is also very focused to sustainability (thanks to Weward, almost 247K tons of CO2 have been saved) and city-tourism: in fact, it indicates routes that you could do nearby, suggesting the most beautiful places to see and organizes events to walk all together.

All that’s left to do is get going

Continue reading: The longest walk in the world


(Original article by Beatrice Barazzetti)

Laura Lionti

Milanese sound engineer, born from Milanese imported from Sicily. My headquarters has always been the blocks of Gallaratese district, with its gardens and green, defended sometimes with a lot of pacific energies. I dream about Milano to becomes the ideal place to create an open-air laboratory that researches and finds the solution for Smart Cities, goal 11 of the SDGs I dream for me to be Milanese also in my next life

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Laura Lionti