
A GARDEN on the roof of each BUS STOP


316 bus shelters covered by greenery. In addition to aesthetics, the solution impacts a number of aspects of urban life

A GARDEN on the roof of each BUS STOP

# Urban greening for the city appearance

Credits: livingrooftops IG

Rewinding the tape of the last few years, it seems that the obsession with all-costs-green has become stuffy. It’s a bit like that, in fact, and it’s gone so far as to overuse a hashtag that’s essential to define people’s quality of life. So much so that it can be used to justify any intervention.
With the right balance, modern cities need to recover some sense of beauty, since they are becoming more and more unattractive.

Sometimes the aesthetic solutions involve the heavy use of greenery. The idea is popular among architects and citizens and imposes itself with re-interpretations that are interesting to analyze.

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# Utrecht’s new gardens (The Netherlands)

Credits: Pinterest

In the world there are several countries, such as those in Europe, that host many seed plants and where environments should protect a very rich biodiversity, essential to ensure life as we know it.
It implies that even in every area stolen to biodiversity, such as cities, we must find a way to ensure nature the opportunity to recover its vital functions.
That’s why in Utrecht, the Netherlands, the municipality decided to cover the roofs of bus stops with green, to make the urban habitat more comfortable.

The impact of this decision falls on many city life features, as it contributes to a more pleasant urban environment. In this way canopies, from being a tool for citizens’ every-day life, become the ideal host for small pollinators or other insects, the food chain base.
Utrecht’s municipality stated that green roofs “contribute to a healthy living environment in the city, and help raise awareness“.

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# COand green at bus stops

Credits: Flikr

Green roofing in Utrecht is done by planting Sedum on shelter roofs. This is a Mexican origin succulent plant, that is very easy to care for. The Dutch city is the first in the world to adopt this solution on such a large scale, with 316 bus shelters equipped with a green roof.
The same impact could happen in every city, aiming to strengthen native species in a weak situation, due to human concentration.

City bus stops are ugly, needless to say. They essentially perform the function for which they were born and nothing else. As an object of municipal utility, they can instead revolutionize the landscape, giving hospitality to insects, collecting rainwater, giving a little coolness waiting for the streetcars in hot weather, capturing particulate dust and, last but not least, by giving a more pleasant look.

There are many functions that a green roof can perform, all focused on improving the quality of life that, of course, must pass for more urgent situations, but can also benefit by employing the same care in smaller aspects, which seem almost insignificant.

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# More from around the world

Credits: livingrooftops IG

There are companies around the world that are now specializing in this kind of application. Engaged by increasingly aware citizens and municipalities, they are also providing solutions to enhance the beauty of bus shelters, a makeover that all cities desperately need.

In the UK roof-gardening is unstoppable. London has adopted the technique to bring nearly 1.5 million square meters of greenery to the cityscape. In the city of Milton Keynes, North London, an entire bus line – which employs smart vehicles equipped with wi-fi and USB charging on board – has its own little backyard on the roof of every stop.

How do the tpl waiting shelters look, in your cities? Let’s get inspire and transform them from bus-stop to bee-stop

Continue reading: TREE SHAPED BUILDINGS: will they be the future for your city as well?


Laura Lionti

Milanese sound engineer, born from Milanese imported from Sicily. My headquarters has always been the blocks of Gallaratese district, with its gardens and green, defended sometimes with a lot of pacific energies. I dream about Milano to becomes the ideal place to create an open-air laboratory that researches and finds the solution for Smart Cities, goal 11 of the SDGs I dream for me to be Milanese also in my next life

Published by
Laura Lionti