The Squall Tower: the SKYSCRAPER that TURNS with the wind

A futuristic solution to enjoy different views without turning your head

Credits: Squall Tower

A skyscraper turbine that rotates with the wind, does it seem impossible? Well, actually it’s just what a Turkish architect  wants to make. Let’s see the details of the project.

The Squall Tower: the SKYSCRAPER that TURNS with the wind

# The changing panorama

Squall Tower

According to, Dubai will host the new turbine-tower designed by the Turkish architect Hayri Atak, a building that will surely change the futuristic skyline of the city. Once again the limits of engineering have been overcome, the tower will in fact turn as if it is a pinwheel: it will be the wind to make it move. However, the pinwheel didn’t inspired the architectural and design studio of Hayri Atak, the tower in fact will be a sort of rotating-wind-turbine or a windmill.

You can go into the tower from above thanks to the heliport at the top, there you can enjoy a different view every time the Squall Tower turns: so sometimes you will see the ocean and others you will have a city view.

# Not only aesthetics: it will also produce electricity

Credits: Squall Tower

The Squall Tower project is far more ambitious than you can imagine. In fact, the goal is not simply to build another skyscraper in Dubai or to make the most beautiful one in the city, the Squall Tower will be a smart building. The Turkish designer wants to combine modern and sophisticated aesthetics with the capability of generating electricity. It will not be a single rotating element or a group of these to move the building, rather the Squall Tower will turn around a central axis to power a turbine at the base and generate electricity.

# It will turn very slowly: a full lap in 48 hours

Squall Tower

The new skyscraper of Dubai will be employed for commercial use and will consist of a central ramified shiny thorn, similar to a bearing tree. So, how can the building move while people are working in their office? Do not think that the Squall Tower turns at the speed of light if there is so much wind, in fact a mechanism will be installed and the tower-turbine will complete a tour in 48 hours. Furthermore Hayri Atak wants a smart building that is self-sufficient in terms of energy generation and he hopes that the Squall Tower will be able to produce excess energy so as to supply even the blocks nearby.

Easier said than done, we will see if between project and reality there will be some difference.